Newsletter #3

St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall

Welcome to my newsletter in which I bring you up-to-date with news and events, offers and giveaways. I’ll invite you to take a peek at my author life and the nuts and bolts of writing novels, and ask you about what you like to see in a historical novel and why.

And while this is a handy way of keeping everyone informed about the writing life of one author, what I really want to do is to keep in touch with the many people who, like me, are fascinated by writing, history, literature, music, the natural world, gardening and… chickens. So if you have any questions or want to get in contact, do message me.

Latest news!  Latest news!  Latest news!

I’m delighted to have signed a 3-book contract with Sapere Books for a new Victorian Gothic Mystery series. The concept has been in the nether reaches of my mind for several years and is now springing to life on the page. This is a new departure for me, but as I always enjoy a good atmospheric mystery, I thought it high time I wrote one. I’ll keep you posted on its progress and might be asking you for your thoughts about a title.

The Tarnished Crown series is forging ahead, and I have just submitted Book 3 - Degrees of Affinity. It’s always a hairy moment when I press that send button, but I’m looking forward to working with my editor on bringing this next instalment to the shelves and seeing what happens to Isobel and Rob.

What a difference a few months make.

Summer: When I last wrote, Sun Ascendant - sequel to Wheel of Fortune and the second book in The Tarnished Crown series - was just about to make its debut. That was in May. Now, two review tours with @LitPR and several articles and blogs later, and I’m reeling from the all the positive comments that flooded in.

It’s no secret that I find keeping up with my social media a bit of a challenge at times, especially when I have a lot going on (and there has been a lot so far this year). That’s when help from Jason Smith at Social Shapes comes to my rescue. Honestly, I’m not sure what I’d do without his knowledge and guidance as he really gets authors and their funny ways. Thanks Jason!

I had a brief foray with Literally PR last year when Wheel of Fortune came out, but decided to go the whole hog this year. And I am so glad that I did. They organised and ran two review tours - one for Wheel of Fortune and the other for Sun Ascendant. Speaking as someone who would always rather be writing, I can honestly say that working with a professional company was a real eye opener. I have learned so much, not just from the review tours (more on that in a mo), but the additional sessions the team at LitPR ran to help support my feeble efforts.

Now, those reviews I mentioned. I’ve had wonderful feedback both from the review tours and from readers who popped up to say how much they enjoyed the first two books in The Tarnished Crown series, and I can’t thank them enough for taking the time to write and post their comments. It’s fantastic  to meet so many new readers and to understand their perspective on a world I’ve created. It’s one of those things that’s true of books throughout time: people read through a lens coloured by their own views and experiences, and that makes each reader unique. 

‘A beautifully written, impeccably researched and effortlessly engaging sequel. Sun Ascendant explores the complexities of love, loyalty and betrayal and is an absolute triumph. A series I recommend highly to all historical fiction lovers. I can't wait for more!’ kelsbookstagram

Not everyone writes a review (ratings are useful when you don’t have time to write but still want to give feedback) and I have to remind myself to put pen to paper when I finish reading a book. Life’s busy and it’s so easy to forget, especially when there’s another book begging to be read. But reviews for authors are a vital part of what they do - and I know how much effort goes into writing a book - so I’m happy to take time out to share my thoughts.

‘This is historical fiction at its finest.’ Claire Musters - Woman Alive

Conference time: September 6 - 8th saw The Historical Novel Society UK Conference 2024. In the unique setting of Dartington Hall, Devon, this was a truly stimulating gathering with 40 speakers, 250 onsite delegates and 150 online attendees. With speakers such as Bernard Cornwell, Jane Johnson, Kate Quinn and Ian Mortimer, and historians Derek Birks and Sharon Bennett Connolly in conversation with Elizabeth Chadwick, David Gilman, and Matthew Harffy, as well as presentations by Michael Jecks, Alison Morton, and Jules Larimore and so many more, you can see that a couple of days was never going to be long enough. It was great to meet up with good friends, meet new faces (hello Sharon Bennett Connolly, Matthew Hardy and Steven A. McKay) and other Sapere Books authors (and editor) I’ve only said hello to online.

More research: After all that I needed a break, so I took a few days away in Cornwall doing some research. This took me to Falmouth, St Maws and - best of all - St Michael’s Mount. OK, so I admit that a break it wasn’t, but it did provide me with a lot of invaluable information for future books in The Tarnished Crown series. Plus the sun shone AND I saw my very first choughs. These very rare iconic symbols of Cornwall are beginning to make a comeback. This pair flew just above me, playing around the tower of St Michael’s Mount, their plumage glossy black against the September sky. An image to remember and one which just might make it into a book

Wind-blown at St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall

Last but not least…
                ++ Keep an eye out for a special Christmas offer for signed and wrapped copies of

Wheel of Fortune and Sun Ascendant - details coming soon!++

Image: Geralt on Pixaby


Christmas Past


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