New Audiobook Out Soon!

Image: Pixaby – Petra Solajova

I’ve been sitting on my hands for a while about this, but I am now delighted to announce that Wheel of Fortune is being released as an audio book on 1st March 2025.

I have always wanted my books to be available on audio as so many people have asked for them in that format. I considered doing it myself, but I’m no narrator and the technical challenges of recording and editing are beyond me. So I was doubly pleased when Soundings - an imprint of long-established Ulverscroft - offered contracts for both Wheel of Fortune and Sun Ascendant

I had 5 professional narrators from which to choose (a much more difficult task than you  might expect) and eventually settled on Polly Edsell, an actor who captures Isobel Fenton’s vitality and youth perfectly. Frankly, I am in admiration of anybody who can narrate a story, but one who can also reflect a range of male and female characters, young and old, and from different backgrounds leaves me in awe. 

Image: Pixaby - Averyanovphoto

Best of all, audio formats can bring books alive for those who find it otherwise difficult to access the written word or who simply prefer to listen than to read, and what better reason can there be to have your novel made into an audiobook than that?

Wheel of Fortune is available for preorder now on Audible.


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