C.F. Dunn ~ Author of History, Mystery, and Suspense
CF Dunn is an award-winning novelist of history, mystery and suspense.
Acutely aware of the impact of the past, C.F. Dunn's vibrant characters and meticulous research weave threads of history, bringing authenticity to her richly-hued, suspenseful stories of love, treachery and loyalty.
Claire is currently writing The Tarnished Crown series, the first of which - Wheel of Fortune - is described by renowned historical novelist, Elizabeth Chadwick as ‘The best Wars of the Roses novel I have ever read.’ Now living in the South West of England, she is ambivalent about the correct order in which scones should be applied to cream. Her love of history is equalled only by her delight in the natural world and the unruly sea by which she lives with her family in suitably rambling historic surroundings.
“The best Wars of the Roses novel I have ever read.”
Elizabeth Chadwick